Monday, May 10, 2010

The Web According to Google #88: Wave, Buzz, & Mobile

1. Google Wave looks great! School and work group projects can be so much more efficient in Wave. More Integration technology--and for this I won't have to buy new hardware. (My father-in-law has a new iPhone. At Sunday dinner my he told us that the evening before, he realized as he arrived in Midtown at a live theatre performance, that he'd forgotten to set his DVD at home to record Betty White in Saturday Night Live. So he turned it on remotely. --When he told me that, I felt like I had just fallen off on the wrong side of the digital divide! I don't have an iPhone...) So I'm delighted that I'll be able to participate in Google Wave without making another purchase.

My online collaboration tools are a little old-school now: Flickr, Facebook, Google Docs...

2. If I had Mobile capacity I could see myself using Google Goggles, for sure. Wow! Also, Maps, Buzz, Earth, Search, Sync, Calendar, Gmail, News, and anything else that works for me!

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